Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mornin' everyone!  :-)

Well now -what's happening in my art world? 
At the moment I am finalizing things for my exhibition in Skerries Mills. Two in with framer and will be back on Saturday. I also have a draft done for my flyers for the exhibition which I hope to go in to the printer and get them done on Saturday or Monday.
I started working on new work yesterday although I was very busy but managed to do some in the afternoon. I am taking a break today from everything to meet my friend and have a lovely relaxing day. Weather doesn't look great out there but I will bring an umbrella. We are going to the garden centre in Malahide where my son's girlfriend is working and say hello to her and I may buy a plant of two for my garden.  Looking forward to it. :-)
That's it for now. I am putting three works up for you.
Talk to you again soon and just to say thank you to you all who are following my work and who take the time to read my posts, much appreciated.

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