Hi everyone!
Well now - what's been happening? :-)
I have three of my paintings in the Artists rest exhibition at Balrothery Heritage Centre this weekend. The opening on Friday night was very well attended and the venue is so lovely as it is an old church, beautiful place. It was such a stormy night that I didn't think many would turn up for the event but so many made the effort to come and it made the night. Great art there - 107 paintings in all by 47 artists. They are also planning a Photography exhibition and a 'recyclables' art exhibition too which will be interesting. :-)
I am still exploring textures but also want to do other abstract water media work and have a few different things that I want to work on. I also got some beautiful new alcahol inks and am having fun with them. I will show you what I did so far.
With Christmas coming in fast and I have guests staying with me at the moment though, it will probably be after Christmas before I get into it fully. Although I do intend to do quite bit over the holiday period.
I want to wish you all a very happy Christmas and great New Year and thank you for your support during the year. :-)